Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

You found this testimonial under the tag Pet
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Allison from Montana - AIM participant since August 2013
Testimonial provided March 2019

Allison and her home are both on AIM and she says her recently-rescued adopted dog has healed from living in her energetically-cleared home.
Tags: Dog; Energetics; House; Pet;

My name is Allison and I live and work in Bozeman MT. I am 31 and I have been on an AIM Family Plan since August 2013. Today the story is NOT about me, but my new pet dog, Rex.

I learned about a dog who was available for adoption in Anaconda, MT, about 90 miles away from where I live. The dog had been captured in northern Montana where he was running wild on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation. He was taken to the Pintler Pets animal shelter and had been unclaimed/unadopted for roughly 90 days. I drove to the shelter to look at him for my brother. He is a larger dog and is quite intimidating looking. I walked him and we played a bit in the big dirt parking lot. After our short but very positive interaction, I decided to take him home for a 2-week trial. He was shedding a lot, mangy with patchy dry fur, nervous, uneasy and terrified to get into an automobile. As soon as I got him home, I took him to see Dr Sid, our family friend that is a well-known vet. Dr Sid offered some pointers about canine nutrition, typical rescued dog behavioral issues, and he reviewed the health records that the shelter had sent home with me. So far so good!!

In 2017, my mom had "gifted" me an AIM property plan on my new home in Bozeman. I never thought much about the "energetics" of the house as AIM is a very subtle influence, but the changes and improvements in the dog's health, personality, and physical condition have changed dramatically in just a few short months.

In this small amount of time, Rex has stopped shedding, his fur is soft and shiny, he doesn't bark, never chews on ANYTHING (not even his toys), gets along very well with other dogs, get into my car voluntarily, and can be trusted in the house even when he is home alone for hours! He took to his new name very quickly and comes when called! Rex has learned tricks, commands and manners. He is energetic, friendly, and HAPPY! I adopted him on May 26, 2018 and people who meet him can't believe how well and quickly he has bonded with me. They comment on how handsome, well adjusted, well socialized and healthy he is.

I am grateful for the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. Even though I do not yet have Rex himself on AIM, I think the AIM property plan is helping my life, my home, and now my new pet dog, Rex.

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