Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

You found this testimonial under the tag Clarity
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Kate from New Mexico - AIM participant since March 2000
Testimonial provided October 2006

The AIM Program popped into my life 24 hours after I woke up yet one more morning unable to breathe clearly and screamed, not silently but quite loudly, that I was sick of having my life so compromised and wanted something to come to me that would HANDLE THESE THINGS once and for all.
Tags: Allergies; Allergies, environmental; Allergies, food; Clarity; Energy; Focus; Food; Health, physical; Joy; Physical health; Resistance is futile;

The AIM Program popped into my life 24 hours after I woke up yet one more morning unable to breathe clearly and screamed, not silently but quite loudly, that I was sick of having my life so compromised and wanted something to come to me that would HANDLE THESE THINGS once and for all. This was in February 2000, Stephen Lewis 'happened' to be in the area doing "mini-evaluations", and the friend who told me about AIM recommended that I get in and see him immediately. I took her advice, and after 5 minutes of him showing me what my dominant hereditary imbalances were, I knew that this was the answer to my request.

I said YES immediately, knowing a gift when I was given one. I hadn't heard Stephen speak, I hadn't read the book, I just knew this was my next step and that I didn't need to "noodle" it much. I hoped to self-heal my lifelong chronic food and environmental allergies, which had reached a point where they were limiting my life and immune system on a daily, constant basis. Ten months later I was completely free of those allergies, have been ever since, and that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Another benefit that happened even before I healed my allergies was a return of what I now know was my life force, my joy in waking up every morning and seeing what the day had to offer. I had lost that, and didn't even realize that until it rushed back in and I felt what a huge difference that made in my life. These things can really disappear so slowly you don't even know they've gone, until you realize your life is so much smaller than it could be. That was what had happened to me. After about 3 months on AIM, I had regained that desire to really participate in my life, and it's never gone again.

It took me a while to see where the highest personal value of AIM was - as a tool to help me "turn up the volume" on my spiritual path. When I started on AIM, my spiritual life was important to me, but I just didn't have the energy to really go for it "full tilt boogie". My attention was tied up in my physical health, and I had no idea how draining that was. As I began to regain that energy, my real purpose in life, which for me is to pursue my spirituality to it's highest possible expression in this lifetime, came into focus. At that time my spiritual intention for my life was a mere mental concept. Now, six years later, I am on the path I've been looking for all my life, with a teacher I couldn't even have dreamt of, and happy at such a deep level that it often moves me to tears. Now, in my book, that's what life force is meant for!

Between both participating in AIM and being a full-time facilitator, my life has taken many twists and turns since I began over 6 years ago. Most of them were invisible until they were right in front of me, and with AIM I have the vital energy and mental focus I need in order to stay in the driver's seat during the ride. I no longer lose my way in the 'busy-ness' of life, and my direction is clear. The blessings continue, with the biggest being energetic support for my spiritual unfolding through the continuous and gentle "dissolving" of one resistance after another – mental, emotional, physical. In Star Trek terms, "resistance is futile", so you might as well surrender!

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