Please note: EMC² does not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Albert Einstein reputedly said that there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. The tags 'Miracle' and 'Miraculous' show up where AIM Program participants themselves use those words, but EMC² believes that the AIM Program is all about miracles of transformation and healing whether that word is used or not. As the saying goes, we don't believe in miracles, we rely on them. And each and every personal history revealed through these tags is about the miracle of self-healing with the AIM Program.

You found this testimonial under the tag Skin
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Patti from Colorado - AIM participant since September 2000
Testimonial provided June 2010

After suffering from rosacea for many years, Patti describes her self-healing process that cleared up her skin.
Tags: Pimples; Rash; Rosacea; Skin;

I am 59 and have been on AIM for 10 years. Over the past year EMC² has found and added to AIM many balancing frequencies for skin and it seemed like I had every skin hereditary imbalance because I kept experiencing facial pimples, rashes and redness during this time. The facial skin is just about clear and to my amazement and delight the rosacea that I had for many years is gone. The skin tone is balanced and perfect without the red cheeks, nose or chin. WOW!

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